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Saturday, September 29, 2007 

Home Remedy For Eczema-Tips to Help You Kick Your Eczema Today

A home remedy for eczema can be the one thing that changes your life and gives you necessary tools to beat eczema for good. Unfortunately for many people, visiting many skin care specialists and Doctors doesnt prove as successful as they first hoped, so they turn to other forms of therapy to help them through. If this is a familiar story to you, then the tips below should help you no end!

Home Remedy For Eczema 1-
Change your diet. The diet of the average person has a fair degree of acid in it, in one form or another. Unfortunately, its been proven that such quantities of acid can have very detrimental affects in those with Eczema. The solution is to systematically cut down on the acidic foods you eat (a good diet book from your library can help with this). To experience even greater success, you may even want to consider getting some kelp supplements from your local health food store. These supplements are very high in alkali, and can be very effective in neutralizing the acid in your diet.

Home Remedy For Eczema 2-
Apply Vitamin E Cream to the effected areas. Vitamin E cream has properties which can be a godsend to eczema sufferers-namely slowing or preventing the itching. Vitamin E cream is a natural miracle for Eczema sufferers as it will rid the affected area of the microbes responsible for the irritation and itching. Be sure to use a completely natural form of Vitamin E- It is possible to buy synthetic vitamin E, but this will cause problems as your body will have trouble breaking it down.

Home Remedy For Eczema 3-
Get Some Blueberry leaf extract or lotion. There is a natural form of acid inside Blueberry leaves, and this acid has properties which will reduce swelling and inflammation in the areas affected by your Eczema. Regular applications can really help you battle things long-term.

Its common sense that the more moist and flexible your skin, the more your itching will decrease. Its advisable to moisturize as frequently as you can throughout the door, and its also good to use an emollient whenever you can, ideally once a day after showering. An emollient is like a moisturizer but contains fat which can seal the moisture inside your skin. This is why its great to use it just after bathing or showering-there is more moisture to lock in then.

Suffering from Eczema can be a real burden and can leave a real mark on your life and experiences. Hopefully these tips will help you get by. If you are tired of getting by and want to beat the Eczema for good, check out the links below.

Click HERE to find out where you can really and truly cure your Eczema within the next 14 days, and be left with the glowing baby soft skin you've always dreamed of!!

If you or someone you love has Eczema, you know what a burden it can be, and you owe it to yourself to click here and find out how to naturally cure that Eczema-And it's guaranteed to work!!

Sylvia Johnstone is the webmaster at http://www.YourEczemaCure.com

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