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Wednesday, September 5, 2007 

Keeping Your Trampoline Safe

Trampolines are fun and exciting additions to your yard for the young and the old (er). Not only are they fun to play on, perform stunts and tricks that you never thought possible, but they are also great for getting exercise on a daily basis. However, even though trampolines are fun and exciting, you need to make sure they are safe for everyone to use. Trampoline safety consists of many different things. You want to make sure you provide supervision at all times for youngsters that are playing on the trampoline. You also want to make sure you provide strict rules on the usage. However, there is more to trampoline safety than just rules and supervision, you should also be checking the condition of the equipment as well. You are probably saying, what equipment? It is nothing more than a piece of large fabric shaped in a circle.

Well, that is true, it is a piece of large fabric shaped like a circle, but there is so much more to a trampoline that just that. What should you be checking? Every little thing on the trampoline. In order to create a safe and reliable environment for anyone using the trampoline you have to make sure all parts are in excellent condition, safe to use, and replaced if necessary.

Parts of a Trampoline


This is a generally durable piece of synthetic material. There are a variety of sizes, thickness, and quality when it comes to the trampoline fabric. However, over time they can become damaged by normal use or even ripped or torn if a sharp object is exposed to the fabric. The fabric can be easily replaced by contacting a dealer.


The trampoline springs are an important part of the trampoline. These springs hold the fabric to the frame, as well as provides the bounce of that so many people enjoy. Inspecting these springs is an important part of any trampoline safety inspection. You want to ensure that they keep their shape and resume their normal state after removing the fabric. If the springs become too stretched, have damaged hooks, or are too loose, you will need to replace them.


Pads are essential to trampoline safety. These provide protection to those playing on the trampoline from hitting the hard areas of hooks, springs, or the frame itself, which could lead to head injuries, broken bones, or cuts.

The author strongly suggests you check your trampoline over for damage. If you find that your trampoline is not safe for use then head over to http://trampsprings.com for assistance getting the best deal on Trampoline Springs

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