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Friday, September 7, 2007 

Injury Claim - Undiscovered Tactics

I don't know about you, but me I'm getting sick of receiving so many calls from telesales people asking me if I have per chance an injury claim. Then I see them on the streets, two or three of them walking about in "stalking mode", well dressed and with tons of gel in their hair and holding "professional suitcases". These guys freak me out!

And what is their purpose anyway? Do they want to sell insurance, energy, firewood or what? Or are they just representing another obscure company and they scour the area to "give some tips" on how should they claim injury for an accident that wasn't their fault?

Personal injury claims in the past

Ten years ago there was no such thing you knowIf you were unfortunate enough to have an accident the only compensation which you received was a moral one, and it only came from your family and friends. "Listen to what the doctor said" or "Don't worry, you'll get better soon". And if you had to stay in the hospital you heard "Take two of these and I'll see you in the morning." You didn't get much, really.


Now we are bombarded with so many companies that deal with this kind of thing that we don't know where to choose from. Everybody knows a "good firm". And since advertisements are everywhere, it's hard not to know about such companies. The competition is tough, but many promise a lot and then don't deliver. So you see, the difference between now and then is colossal, some years ago nobody was interested if you had an injury, but now they are all your best pals.

If you choose a random firm and make your plea, it's possible you will later find yourself surrounded by countless problems, like: "Sorry but we don't seem to have the essential files we asked for. Did you really send them to us?", "Who did you speak with again? I don't know if he still works with us", "Your medical report hasn't arrived yet" or many other things that can be used as an excuse.

Complications after complications...

What about the classic 'no win no fee'? That slogan was very common in the beginning. "If you don't win then you don't owe us one dime?" Just sign those documents and your personal injury claim is all set, don't worry about it. Wonderful!

Now after months have gone by, you hear nothing. 3 months later, you call to hear what status your claim has reached. 'Your file's up and running and you should be attending a medical specialist soon.'

6 months go by finally your medical arrives. 4 months later you receive a cheque of 400 and eyes the size of golf balls?! What the hell is going on???

Frustrated with the settlement cheque, you ring the company for questioning. They pull out your file and take you through the charges and how they reached a final settlement. 'But, you... 'Yes, it's all in black and white and you signed it!' But guess what, you're too late, and now you'll learn from that mistake...

Now For The New Trick

100% Compensation! Yes, you get all of your compensation. Amazing, finally a dream come true...

What does it mean?

Once your claim is settled, you will receive the 'full' compensation money, without deductions. Now this is the clever bit... the specialist will payout 100% Compensation, but that does not mean the claim management company will not!

At the end of the claim, the management company (owned by your mates friend) will charge you a kick back after you have received your 100% Compensation. Effectively, you receive 100% Compensation, but once you received it, the claim management company will now take out their fees. Smart eh???

You still, by law, got 100% Compensation from the specialist. Which is what they claimed, however, the deductions kick in afterwards.

You've taken enough beating as it is. It's time to be smart! Beware of the 100% Compensation slogans flying around. How do you avoid them?


Find out all about your injury claim now! Discover more on easy tricks and tips to help you make a personal injury claim.

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